Corporate Health Program
Better health = better function = better business.
According to the CDC "Steps to Wellness" Program
How can physical therapy benefit your workplace?
- Add an employee benefit that can make a difference!
Employees look at what you can offer them as much as you consider what they can offer you. The environment of the NW provides a number of outdoor opportunities for the active, health conscious individual. Despite this, many of us must work hard to play hard, which reduces the amount of time we are active. Demonstrate your employee appreciation while enjoying potential improvements in employee hires, retention, and productivity just by providing the opportunity to improve their health through a Corporate Wellness Program.
- Reduce Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD)
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders “are musculoskeletal disorders (injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs) in which the work environment and performance of work contribute significantly to the condition; and/or the condition is made worse or persists longer due to work conditions.” Don’t be the cause of an employee work-related claim. Our physical therapists are exceptional at assessing risk and planning risk reduction strategies with employers.
- Reduce unnecessary healthcare costs
Health insurance companies are now starting to track activity levels, blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol of individuals to justify lower or higher premiums based on their age and previous medical history. The aforementioned variables are all measurements that can improve with proper exercise and wellness prescription. Depending on your health insurance provider, having a Corporate Wellness Program for your employees could mean reduced premium packages for the company.
- In total, healthier employees make for a healthier company!
Did you know that prolonged sitting is highly correlated with increased stress, back pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or even premature death? Theses conditions (often WMSDs) are time- and cost-consuming for a company. Addressing risks and developing an employee wellness program can improve several important factors!